
1.  What Are Red Bulls Greatest Strengths And Risks As More Companies (Like Coca-Cola, Pepsi,

1.  What Are Red Bulls Greatest Strengths And Risks As More Companies (Like Coca-Cola, Pepsi,

1.  What Are Red Bulls Greatest Strengths And Risks As More Companies (Like Coca-Cola, Pepsi,

  What are Red Bulls greatest strengths and risks as more companies (like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Monster) enter the energy drink category and gain market share?  What are the risks of competing against such powerhouses? 2
  Discuss the pros and cons of Red Bulls nontraditional marketing tactics
  Should Red Bull do more traditional advertising? Why or why not? 3
   Discuss the effectiveness of Red Bulls sponsorships
Where should the company draw the line in terms of novelty and risk? 4
  How would you evaluate the Red Bull web site? How well does it score on the 7Cs of design elements: context, content, community, customization, communication, connection, and commerce? 5
  Compare at least one Red Bull social networking site with its official Web site
How does the content and language differ between the two sites? Length: 3-5 pages (double spaced, 12-point font), not including title and reference pages
  Your paper should have an introduction and conclusion