
300- 450 Words, Apa 7 Format, In-Text Citation, Use At Least Three (3) Scholarly References

300- 450 Words, Apa 7 Format, In-Text Citation, Use At Least Three (3) Scholarly References

300- 450 Words, Apa 7 Format, In-Text Citation, Use At Least Three (3) Scholarly References

300- 450 words, APA 7 format, in-text citation, Use at least three (3) scholarly references to substantiate your work
Please write in the present tense
Please provide a copy of all references used
  **I have attached a sample assignment for reference for week 2 and the assignment for week one **Please use and adjust-if needed, the provided personal example to complete the question ‘summarize senior management’s role in successful quality improvement programs

‘  Assignment Description  Week 2: The Role of Leadership (300-450 words) Research and summarize senior management’s role in successful quality improvement programs
Be sure to use real, researched examples to demonstrate your points
The Baldrige Award site list of recipients could be a good resource for examples
In general, identify and discuss senior managements specific role in these large-scale strategic quality programs
Coach ?Cheerleader? Role model? Decision maker? Resource provider? What else?- Discuss all 5
Why must firms adopt the identified roles? What is the risk of not using the roles? Indicate how senior and middle management should derive the metrics to use to monitor and communicate performance? With each week, you should include a minimum of 3 new cited references
As such, the references should be varied and different with each section addition
You can reuse references, but repeat references do not count toward the minimum 3 new cited references SampleWeek2IPResponse1