
After Reading The Article, You Need To Discuss About Planning Needed To Accomplish The Goal

After Reading The Article, You Need To Discuss About Planning Needed To Accomplish The Goal

After Reading The Article, You Need To Discuss About Planning Needed To Accomplish The Goal

After reading the article, you need to discuss about planning needed to accomplish the goal and identify the barrier and an action you might take to eliminate the barrier
Planning, Change Agency, and Advocacy Go to https://www
gov/Links to an external site
or https://www
pdfLinks to an external site

Then, read and cite one of these websites in your discussion
Post your initial discussion post by Wednesday, and two response posts by Friday
Items to include in this discussion: Choose one goal from the site
Give an example of the planning needed to accomplish the goal and the driving and restraining forces for the plan
Identify a barrier and an action you could take as a change agent to eliminate the barrier
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