
Answer One Of The Following Questions In At Least 250 Words, Giving A Brief, Detailed

Answer One Of The Following Questions In At Least 250 Words, Giving A Brief, Detailed

Answer One Of The Following Questions In At Least 250 Words, Giving A Brief, Detailed

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN AT LEAST 250 WORDS, GIVING A BRIEF, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC OF CHOICE, INCLUDE CITATIONS: Answer only ONE of the below questions: Discuss General George Washington (as commander of the Continental Army) Why was the Battle of Saratoga important? Who was John Paul Jones? Who was Baron von Steuben? Who was Abigail Adams? What was the Battle of Cowpens? Explain the significance of the Battle of Yorktown
Who was Mercy Otis Warren? What was the Treaty of Paris (1783)? Who was Dr
Benjamin Rush?