
Assessment Description By Analyzing The History Of Education And Educational Trends, Special Education Teachers Can

Assessment Description By Analyzing The History Of Education And Educational Trends, Special Education Teachers Can

Assessment Description By Analyzing The History Of Education And Educational Trends, Special Education Teachers Can

Assessment Description By analyzing the history of education and educational trends, special education teachers can hypothesize reforms intended to benefit the future of special education
From the following list, select two significant changes or reforms that have affected education within the past 100 years: The use of state mandated content standards in curriculum for special education students Differentiated learning Diversity and socioeconomic status Inclusive classrooms Evidence-based instructional technology integration Standardized testing Response to intervention Any other relevant change or reform, with approval from your instructor In 500-750 words discuss both positive and negative aspects of these changes or reforms
Propose at least one change or reform that would benefit the future of special education
Explain how your suggested change or reform could be brought about