
Assignment: To Determine Your Nutrition Status You Are Asked To Keep Track Of Your Diet

Assignment: To Determine Your Nutrition Status You Are Asked To Keep Track Of Your Diet

Assignment: To Determine Your Nutrition Status You Are Asked To Keep Track Of Your Diet

Assignment: To determine your nutrition status you are asked to keep track of your diet for four days
You can track more than this if you would like a deeper analysis
You are then going to compare your intake to the recommendations called Dietary Reference Intakes or DRIs for the three macronutrients and water intake
    In MyFitnessPal, once you set up a brief profile, click on Food Intake to begin adding your foods
You will recall all the foods and beverages you consume during four days
The days do not need to be consecutive, and one of the recall days should be on a weekend day
Be sure to accurately estimate the quantities of each food
 Enter all the foods and beverages as best you can into the tracker
  A copy of DRI, dietary reference intake, or what is recommended for your age, sex, and weight appropriate for your age and gender accompanies this intake, and this is what you will compare your intake to
 You are comparing what you actually eat to what is recommended for you to be eating
It is not necessary to meet 100% of each DRI every day
 Your finished reflection will be a comparison of your intakes to the recommendations
While the pie charts and graphs are meaningful to you, you are using the results of the comparison between the DRI and YOUR intakes for your summary