
Case Study Assignments In Research Paper Format   Topic : Case Study: Hillshire Farms  Https://Hbsp.Harvard.Edu/Download?Url=%2Fcourses%2F1019680%2Fitems%2Fke1170-Pdf-Eng%2Fcontent&Metadata=E30%3Dfor

Case Study Assignments In Research Paper Format   Topic : Case Study: Hillshire Farms  Https://Hbsp.Harvard.Edu/Download?Url=%2Fcourses%2F1019680%2Fitems%2Fke1170-Pdf-Eng%2Fcontent&Metadata=E30%3Dfor

Case Study Assignments In Research Paper Format   Topic : Case Study: Hillshire Farms  Https://Hbsp.Harvard.Edu/Download?Url=%2Fcourses%2F1019680%2Fitems%2Fke1170-Pdf-Eng%2Fcontent&Metadata=E30%3Dfor

CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENTS IN RESEARCH PAPER FORMAT   Topic : Case Study: Hillshire Farms  https://hbsp
edu/download?url=%2Fcourses%2F1019680%2Fitems%2FKE1170-PDF-ENG%2Fcontent&metadata=e30%3DFor case study assignments, you will write an APA (7th edition) research paper with your analysis of the organization
   The case study assignment response (research paper) should include the following:     (1) summarize the case,   (2) identify and discuss at least two key problems/opportunities identified from the case study,   (3) identify and discuss the critical external marketing environment factors affecting the organization including a discussion of why these are important to the organization,   (4) provide recommendations supported with research that will address the identified problems/opportunities (#2) and is supported with external research, provide an implementation plan for the recommendations, and include a discussion of the expected outcomes as it relates to the implementation of the recommendations,   (5) provide a financial analysis of the cost of implementation of the recommendations AND the impact it will have on the financial standing of the organization
You will need to include financial analysis of the organization overall and then discuss the financial impact of implementation, and   (6) conclusion that includes discussion of opportunities for future study/discussion related to the organization
  This is an APA 7th edition submission that MUST utilize at least first level headers
  Include the use of headers within the research paper
The minimum of four external references that cannot be limited to Google articles“ you must utilize peer reviewed external research
The required external references does NOT include the textbook
  Each case study assignment should include a bibliography
   Your research paper response should be no less than five (5) pages not to exceed seven (8) pages of content
Utilize the required 7th edition student paper APA formatting and proper grammatical rules