
Case Study/cutting Edge ArticleCutting Edge Cruise Line related article: Each student is responsible for finding

Case Study/cutting Edge ArticleCutting Edge Cruise Line related article: Each student is responsible for finding

Case Study/cutting Edge ArticleCutting Edge Cruise Line related article: Each student is responsible for finding

Case Study/cutting Edge ArticleCutting Edge Cruise Line related article: Each student is responsible for finding a cutting edge cruise article in a current Hospitality, Cruise or Maritime journal, newspaper, Cruise magazine, etc. (not more than 1 year old). On the appointed date, each student will submit a 2 page summary of the article.Ideas for Selecting /Cutting Edge Article (Article should be recent news regarding topics surrounding the Cruise Line Industry)New ways of Staffing/HiringInnovative Safety TrainingInnovative Environmental MethodsNew TechnologyNews Methods of TrainingNew Methods of CompensationUnique Travel ItinerariesUnique Shore ExcursionsNew and Innovative Fuel Savings StrategiesNew Ship Building MethodsInnovative Communication Strategies with Guests or StaffNews Ways of taking care of Guests with Disabilities Innovative Guest Services onboardInnovative Guest Products onboardInnovative Advertising ChannelsCreative Ad CampaignsRogue WavesInnovative Staff Reward/Recognition MethodsNew Challenges Facing the Cruise Line IndustryInnovative Leaders shaping the Cruise Line IndustryNew Laws pertaining to the Cruise Line IndustryInnovative Leaders shaping the Cruise Line IndustryAssociations to join to be informed about the Cruise Line IndustryMagazines/Emagazines, websites, blogs and articles to read to stay up on the Cruise LineCLIAMHA (Marine Hotel Association)Seatrade