
Congratulations On Reaching The End Of The Course! Now It Is Time To Reflect Upon

Congratulations On Reaching The End Of The Course! Now It Is Time To Reflect Upon

Congratulations On Reaching The End Of The Course! Now It Is Time To Reflect Upon

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Now it is time to reflect upon what you have learned
This course has introduced various topics regarding critical thinking
Reflect upon the concepts introduced in this course for your initial post
After creating your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers substantively
Comments like ‘I agree’ or ‘Good point’ are not accepted as required responses
Discussion Prompts Answer the following questions in your initial post: What was the most personally useful or favorite thing you learned in this course? (how I discovered myself) What topic(s) are you still struggling with? Or, what topic did you initially struggle with, and how did you master the concept? (Therapeutical questions What have you learned in this course that will help you continue to grow as a future nurse?(self Confidence) In your response to others, provide tips and pointers for topics you feel proficient in that they identified as struggling to learn