
Develop a data model to which supports retail eCommerce applicationsThe main functional requirements are:

Develop a data model to which supports retail eCommerce applicationsThe main functional requirements are:

Develop a data model to which supports retail eCommerce applicationsThe main functional requirements are:

 Develop a data model to which supports retail eCommerce applications. The main functional requirements are:
1. Product Management, 2. Order Management, 3. Customer Management and Payment Module.

Your NOSQL database should support to maintain products, orders, customers and payments.

1. Develop a Data model for the above scenario in NoSQL

2. Write all functions to perform various CRUD operations:
Product – Find, Create, Update
Customer – Find, Create, Update
Orders (with nested data): – Find, Create, Update
3. Write a program (in python, java, javascript-based UI, visual studio) that connects to a NoSQL database and performs CRUD operations (as above)