
Directions: You Are Working The Night Shift In The Intensive Care Unit. Your Patient Starts

Directions: You Are Working The Night Shift In The Intensive Care Unit. Your Patient Starts

Directions: You Are Working The Night Shift In The Intensive Care Unit. Your Patient Starts

Directions: You are working the night shift in the Intensive Care Unit
Your patient starts to deteriorate, and the primary provider is not calling you back
The charge nurse offers to contact her
A few minutes later, the charge nurse shows you a text from her personal phone with orders for the client, supposedly from the provider
Main post: What would you do in that situation and why? Give an example of an ethical dilemma involving confidentiality and the use of technology
How would you respond to the situation in your example? Peer replies: For your replies, provide classmates with an alternative intervention for the ethical dilemma Include well-researched the rationale for using the intervention
Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other student’s post by the end of the week
All posts require references AND in-text citations in full APA format
Information must be paraphrased and not quoted
Please check theCourse Calendarfor specific due dates
NOTE: Finalized postings must be submitted by deadlines
Any edits after deadline will be counted as late submissions and deducted accordingly
If you need to make any corrections for clarity’s sake only,you can write an addendum as a reply to yourself
The initial post will still be the one receiving full grade
Make sure all posts are thorough, well-researched, and meet minimum requirements and word counts (see rubric)