
Dollar Shave Club Made Inroads In The Men’S Shaving Products Category By Positioning Itself As

Dollar Shave Club Made Inroads In The Men’S Shaving Products Category By Positioning Itself As

Dollar Shave Club Made Inroads In The Men’S Shaving Products Category By Positioning Itself As

Dollar Shave Club made inroads in the men’s shaving products category by positioning itself as a less expensive (but comparable quality) alternative to the market leader, Gillette
In addition, Dollar Shave Club’s quirky advertisements created contrast between the brand and the older, stodgy Gillette brand
For more on Dollar Shave Club, read ‘How Dollar Shave Club’s Founder Built a $1 Billion Company That Changed the Industry
‘ What market situations are ideal for a brand to position itself by attempting to reposition competition? Identify a category that has an established leader that could be vulnerable if a competing brand repositioned the leader as inferior in some way
Why is this brand vulnerable to being repositioned?