
For This Discussion, I Decided To Choose Question #1: What Exactly Is Empiricism?  Please Provide

For This Discussion, I Decided To Choose Question #1: What Exactly Is Empiricism?  Please Provide

For This Discussion, I Decided To Choose Question #1: What Exactly Is Empiricism?  Please Provide

For this discussion, I decided to choose question #1: What exactly is Empiricism?  Please provide specific examples to support your answer
From my understanding of the lesson on Empiricism, I can relate it to the saying ‘Never judge a book by its cover’
Like it was stated in the history of Empiricism, appearances can be deceiving and they usually are
Having an actual experience of something or someone will show you it’s/their true colors and/or give you a more accurate understanding of it
If anyone knows this, I do because there have been many instances where I judged something or someone based off looks from a distance or other people’s opinions instead of my own
People have even told me that their first impression of me was completely different than when they actually got to know me
  Empiricism is knowledge based solely on experience and observation (sensory perception)
I can also use this as an example as to why I had my opinion on the last lesson we covered on Descartes and his belief in there being a God
You can never really KNOW or understand something until you can trace it back to something you have experienced
John Locke came up with the conclusion that the mind is an ’empty slate’ and that all knowledge comes from experience over time
It makes sense because a few examples to think about would be: How would you know that snow is cold without actually touching or feeling it? How does a child know that fire is hot until they touch it?