
For This Week’S Dialogue, Respond To The Prompt Below:Using The Concepts From Chapters 7 Through

For This Week’S Dialogue, Respond To The Prompt Below:Using The Concepts From Chapters 7 Through

For This Week’S Dialogue, Respond To The Prompt Below:Using The Concepts From Chapters 7 Through

For this week’s dialogue, respond to the prompt below:Using the concepts from Chapters 7 through 11, post a message that identifies and explains the elements necessary to form a legally enforceable contract, selecting one or two of those elements for particular reflection beyond those I’ve provided in my hints (or that are in the textbook) and amplifying some of the issues that surround those elements
What is the responsibility of each party in determining these elements and when (if ever) would governmental intervention become necessary to balance the interests of the parties rather than simply enforcing the deal they have reached?Cite a minimum of two scholarly peer reviewed sources (beyond your textbook or the Bible) applying APA guidelines (250-450 word count range)
Post replies to two of your peer’s initial posts
Your two peer replies should include either: additional research-based discussion that expands upon one of the key points noted in your peer’s initial post (if your peer’s initial post was in response to prompt 1) or additional thoughts based upon only the text or the Bible (if your peer’s initial post was in response to prompt 2)
Each of your two peer replies should be composed in a professional manner with a word count range of 150-350 words
Your initial post and your two peer replies stand as an integrated assignment in respect of timeliness and thus will only receive a full grade for timeliness if both assignments are completed on time
The timeliness of your own initial post and your two peer reply posts will allow your classmates sufficient time to consider, prepare, and post a substantive reply or follow up
If needed: In the unlikely event that you believe you have been preempted because, by the time you get to your peer replies, other students have already made every conceivable reply to all the initial posts including the reply comments you would have made, you may select any other topic within the assigned readings for the week and post on it (treat this as if it were an initial post)
If you do select another topic, then at the beginning of your reply post be sure explicitly to say that you believe you have been preempted and so are not making a reply post but are posting on another topic; and clearly identify the topic on which you are posting
Discussion Board, Follow-up Posts: In addition to your initial post and your two reply posts, you must submit ‘follow-up’ posts on all replies submitted by other students on your initial post
General: As a crucial part of the educational process, remember to use proper academic Blackboard etiquette with all discussion board initial posts, reply posts, and follow-up posts throughout the course
Be sure, in your initial post, to answer the prompt; in your reply post, to answer your peer and advance the discussion (do not simply say I agree or I disagree but explain your reasoning, expand, or otherwise advance the conversation initiated by your peer); and in your follow up, to address the comments made in the reply
Remember that we are Christian brothers and sisters with different perspectives walking a path of academic and spiritual edification
We will disagree at times, but we must disagree respectfully in a manner that edifies the church and allows each of us to learn and grow