
Go To The Cbs Undercover Boss Website And Search For A Full Episode Of The

Go To The Cbs Undercover Boss Website And Search For A Full Episode Of The

Go To The Cbs Undercover Boss Website And Search For A Full Episode Of The

Go to the CBS Undercover Boss website and search for a full episode of the show
Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode
In 23 pages

Provide a detailed comparison of two job positions from the episode
Perform a job analysis of each position
Provide a clear, detailed description of your method of collecting the information for the job analysis
Examples include one-on-one, interview, or survey
Create a detailed job description from the two positions you analyzed
Provide clear, conclusive rationale for why the job analyses and job descriptions comply with state and federal regulations
Support your propositions, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate sources synthesized in a coherent analysis
Cite each source on your source list at least once within your assignment
For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides
Write clearly and concisely in a manner that is well organized, grammatically correct, and free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards
For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course
Check with your professor for any additional instructions
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Create a job description in compliance with state and federal regulations