
Here Is The Basic Information About It And The Project What Is The Main Goal

Here Is The Basic Information About It And The Project What Is The Main Goal

Here Is The Basic Information About It And The Project What Is The Main Goal

HERE IS THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT IT AND THE PROJECT What is the main goal for the project? We anticipate a launch of the Promly app (a new social networking app for high school students with built in mental health aiming to get 10 steps ahead of teen suicide)
See www
org/Promly PROJECT SCOPE Promly is a new social networking app for Gen Z that matches uses by 20 things they wants to by 20 (30 BY30 for college version) with built in easy access to mental health support
Our mission is to create better opportunity for genuine connectedness and get 10 steps ahead of teen suicide
We are a nonprofit/PBC
What tasks will students need to complete to achieve the project goal? Social Media Content Creation and Deployment (2) Each team member will be tasked with creating ideas for regular content for our TikTok, IG, and our Facebook sites, interacting and building social engagement with our community (and those who interact with us) and will have real responsibility and creative control on the work they do, and ensuring content is focused to our audiences
Interns will also have the opportunity to work with graphic design, photography, and videography should they have that expertise, to create eye-catching engaging blog posts, landing pages, and newsletters to help create additional social presence
SEO and Website Optimization (1) Track results using various tactics such as Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms for our organization
Perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and utilize Google Analytics tools to the maximum
Create social media content/posts using our SEO keywords
How will you support students in completing the project? We have regular meetings with individuals and with our intern team and we can offer as needed supervision and mentorship
We want this experience to be engaging, empowering and a place to learn more about building a startup
What skills or technologies will help students to complete the project? SEO, social media marketing, content creation and digital design knowledge ABOUT COMPANY https://www
org/promly Non Profit Philanthropic Civil Society Promly is a social enterprise, co-created with Gen Z, that aims to unify a generation by empowering human connectedness and providing holistic support and education for Gen Z in places they will naturally gravitate to, both online and offline
Our goal is to get 10 proactive steps ahead of teen suicide and the youth mental health crisis