
Home>Homework Answsers>Education Homework Help1.1 How Would The Principal Help This Teacher To Create A Vision

Home>Homework Answsers>Education Homework Help1.1 How Would The Principal Help This Teacher To Create A Vision

Home>Homework Answsers>Education Homework Help1.1 How Would The Principal Help This Teacher To Create A Vision

Home>Homework Answsers>Education homework help1
1 How would the principal help this teacher to create a vision for his class? Explain why it is important to learn about this during our studies and as the practicing teaching during both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching studies
2 Do you think that the principal would be able to develop the teacher who is supposed to be in class with the leaners help this teacher to develop sufficient competence to handle a class of learners? Substantiate your answer clearly
2 Briefly outline common elements of a successful parent-engagement programme, according to Bauer & Shea (2002:95)
Also explain how you would follow enforce control measures during a parents’ meeting in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
3 Describe in detail the importance of the new information that is being applied in South African schools, using the SA-SAMS