
Identify and discuss the major characteristic features of Africa’s physical landscapes Discuss the major causes and

Identify and discuss the major characteristic features of Africa’s physical landscapes Discuss the major causes and

Identify and discuss the major characteristic features of Africa’s physical landscapes Discuss the major causes and

Identify and discuss the major characteristic features of Africa’s physical landscapes Discuss the major causes and effects of deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. ‘Africa has a high level of cultural diversity including language, religion, and ethnicity’. Discuss this statement using specific examples to illustrate your answer Discuss the effect of socio-cultural factors on fertility rates in Africa. Discuss fully the major causes of high fertility in Africa 3-4 Solid Paragraphs for each question No Plagarism The course notes provided will help to see what the professor is looking for in terms of key points but some research may be required Willing to PAY MORE!topic2-environment-physicalclimate.doctopic3-human-env.impacts-deforestationdesertification.doctopic6-population.doctopic5-culture.doc