
In This Weeks Discussion, You Will Comment On Being Human In The Online World And

In This Weeks Discussion, You Will Comment On Being Human In The Online World And

In This Weeks Discussion, You Will Comment On Being Human In The Online World And

In this weeks Discussion, you will comment on being human in the online world and observe others in the same context
Include some reference to the weeks resources in your post and responses
If you are relating an idea or building upon the readings, poems, or videos, please identify which one by listing it at the bottom of the post
TIP: You can copy and paste the reference details from the Resources page to make your life easier
                              Resources Document: Sample Discussion Board Responses – High and Low Quality  Download Sample Discussion Board Responses – High and Low Quality(PDF) Sample Discussion posts are provided to assist you in developing high-quality posts and responses
  Access the Week 1 Learning Resources (opens in a new tab)   Read and reflect upon the Week 1 Learning Resources
Think about interactions you have had in a virtual space such as a chat, comment section, online discussion board, or social networking site
Think about the times you have had emotional reactions to online content and interactions
Refer to the High- and Low-Quality Discussion Boards Posts document (PDF)
QUESTION   Post a paragraph (about 200-300 words in length) responding to the following questions: Do you behave and communicate differently online than you do face-to-face? How so? Give specific examples
What does it mean to be ‘fully human’? Considering your definition, do you think we can be ‘fully human’ while interacting with others in a virtual space like this classroom? Why or why not? Select one of the pieces
How does the author speak to the concept of being human?  Read two or more of your classmates postings
Respond to two or more of your classmates postings with suggestions for how to be present in an online environment like this one or how you would change what you wrote after reading your classmates posts