
In Virginia, Mandatory Arrest For The Primary Aggressor In A Domestic Violence Situation Became Law

In Virginia, Mandatory Arrest For The Primary Aggressor In A Domestic Violence Situation Became Law

In Virginia, Mandatory Arrest For The Primary Aggressor In A Domestic Violence Situation Became Law

In Virginia, mandatory arrest for the primary aggressor in a domestic violence situation became law in 1997
There are 25  years of additional data that could provide valuable insight
The question is are domestic violence services effective, and if so, are the effectives ones available locally?  So, do you research, and then take a look at Virginia services
Approach this from the perspective that someone you know and care about may need them, so you need some specificity in what the service is and how to contact them
Feel free to contact the service and do a phone interview with a representative
  1000 words