
Incorporating Clients Preference Experience During My Tenure As A Registered Nurse Before My Enrollment For

Incorporating Clients Preference Experience During My Tenure As A Registered Nurse Before My Enrollment For

Incorporating Clients Preference Experience During My Tenure As A Registered Nurse Before My Enrollment For

Incorporating clients preference Experience During my tenure as a registered nurse before my enrollment for my postgraduate degree, I used to work at a certain health facility whereby clients presented with dizziness
She also had other complaints, such as swelling of the legs and loss of appetite
She was of Muslim religion and would always have a personal preference regarding being examined by male health practitioners since their culture requires females to be examined by their female counterparts (Ahmed & Mao, 2022)
Therefore, the male nurse who had seen her initially respected the culture and personal preference of the client and informed me about taking over information from the patient
After history taking, physical examination, and diagnostic tests, she was diagnosed with hypertension
Involving the patient in every decision-making process, including history taking, physical examination, and diagnostic tests, was crucial as it enhanced cooperation from the patient (Birkeland et al
, 2021)
The patient is from a conservative Muslim family that requires females to be examined and disclose their personal information to female counterparts health workers
Considering that, the decision-making was crucial in ensuring that the patient was comfortable and could talk freely
This led to increased satisfaction towards the nurses, and interventions were done
Patient’s preference The patient had been diagnosed with hypertension, and thus the client’s values and preferences would be included in the treatment plan
Doing so makes it highly likely that the patient will comply with the plan, promoting a better health outcome (Buljac-Samardzic et al
, 2021)
The patient was assigned a female nursing practitioner to talk her through the medications she would be taking and the importance of compliance
She was also informed about the role of lifestyle modification factors, including exercising and eating healthy meals
She, therefore, requested a referral to any dietitian and physiotherapist who would guide her with her new lifestyle changes
The nurse referred her to a female physiotherapist who would provide relevant exercise routines for a hypertensive patient
The dietitian would also consider that she cannot recommend pork as a protein meal as the muslim religion does not recommend it (Ahmed & Mao, 2022)
The patient felt satisfied and was willing to comply with the treatment by adhering to medications and lifestyle modifications as recommended
This indicates that involving the patient’s values and preferences in treatment promotes compliance and cooperation, thus enhancing their health outcomes (Buljac-Samardzic et al
, 2021)
Decision aid The decision aid utilized for this case is the Ottawa Personal/Family Decision Guides, OP/FDG
The decision helps crucial as it promotes the involvement of the client’s family members in the treatment program to improve health outcomes (Martínez-Sellés et al
, 2023)
The patient will take her hypertensive medications and practice lifestyle modification such as dieting and exercising
Some of these interventions can be difficult to implement consistently, hence the need for family involvement to encourage her to stick to the routine, improving her health outcome (Dhakal et al
, 2021)
However, it’s important to seek the client’s permission before involving any family member in their healthcare unless they are minors or required by law
Such a decision aid involving family or friends can be vital in promoting good habits and the help of the closer ones to ensure her commitment to treatment routines
Use decision aid in practice/personal life I can utilize this decision at my workplace to seek help or clarification from my workmates in moments of difficulty
The nursing profession can be gruesome at some point, as seen during the covid 19 pandemic when the majority of healthcare workers were overwhelmed
I would utilize family decision guidelines in such a scenario by involving my family and colleagues in such tough situations, pushing me to work harder and aim for greater heights in my profession
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