
Instructions Create A 510 Minute Powerpoint Presentation To Convince An Investor To Invest

Instructions Create A 510 Minute Powerpoint Presentation To Convince An Investor To Invest

Instructions Create A 510 Minute Powerpoint Presentation To Convince An Investor To Invest



Create a 5-10 minute PowerPoint presentation to convince an investor to invest

  • Using PowerPoint, create a 5-10 minute presentation based on your research and findings.
  • For the company analysis – you have 5-10 minutes to convince an investor to either invest or not invest in McDonald.


  • Be confident and be persuasive – you are the expert!
  • Do not use too many slides – 7 slides. This does not include the first Title slide and the references slide.
  • Please put your information down in the notes section of the slides instead of having too much on the slides.
  • Remember – less can be more so keep the slides simple, don’t use animations or fancy backgrounds – you want the investor to focus on the information and to make the decision that you suggest.