
Instructions: Each Module 2 Through 7 Has An Associated Small Group Discussion That Should Focus

Instructions: Each Module 2 Through 7 Has An Associated Small Group Discussion That Should Focus

Instructions: Each Module 2 Through 7 Has An Associated Small Group Discussion That Should Focus

Instructions: Each Module 2 through 7 has an associated small group discussion that should focus on discussing the course content for that Module
Each discussion will span the two-weeks of the Module
Each group member is required to make an initial post during the first week of the Module (i
, the first Wednesday through Tuesday of the Module) and then respond to each of the other group members’ initial posts during the second week of the Module (i
, the second Wednesday through Tuesday of the Module)
Initial posts should aim to be 200-400 words and while there is no range for peer response posts these should be substantive and include more thought than I agree with your point or ‘I said something similar in my post’
Use your own creativity in approaching the posts
Types of observations and reflections in the posts could include the following (but aren’t limited to this): Pick a topic or concepts from required readings to reflect upon (e
, what and why something interested you; what did you find the most interesting or practical that helped you gain new insight or skill)
Critique readings by adding something you can justify, showing how an author missed a point
Validate something from the readings based on your own experience or other reading
Include a discussion question for the group based on readings
DO NOT pose generic questions such as What was your favorite part of the reading? or similar questions
Relate readings to contemporary events or news and post a link