
Instructions Written Projects: Must Be Typed, Double-Spaced, In 12-Point Times New Roman Or Arial Font,

Instructions Written Projects: Must Be Typed, Double-Spaced, In 12-Point Times New Roman Or Arial Font,

Instructions Written Projects: Must Be Typed, Double-Spaced, In 12-Point Times New Roman Or Arial Font,

Instructions Written projects: Must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with one-inch margins Must have the title page in APA-7th edition style Must have in-text citations in APA-7th edition style Must have reference list in APA-7th edition style; note that you must reference the data you are using for the project Must be prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred) Data Exercise 2 The purposes of the data exercises are to: enhance your skills at finding current economic data on the web; improve your skills at data presentation and explanation; provide you the opportunity to learn how to analyze economic data and, very importantly, to explain what it means in short, turning data into useful information; and how to present that information to a reader in a clear and understandable form
For Data 2: Your objective is to compare two related economic variables and see if you can identify a relationship between them
You should first look at the variables separately, then in relationship to each other
You will select two related economic variables that you have studied during the relevant weeks
Find appropriate data on both variables
Present that data in a clear graphic or tabular form (or both if appropriate)
Explain what the data showsdiscuss/explain the data
Explain what the data meansgive meaning to what the data shows
Explain why it matterswhat is the economic importance or usefulness of what you found in your data analysis and discussion
Points 4 and 5 initially seem to be about the same thing and they are close in meaning
Point 4 is the process of walking the reader through the data presented in the table or graphic
Point 5 is explaining to the reader what that data means
In other words, tell the reader what the data is and explain what it means
Remember this is a process of giving meaning to data
Standing alone, data is just numbers
Your task is to give those numbers a context and a meaning that converts numbers into information
Points to Remember: Stay calm, this is actually a fun assignment and a great learning experience, and it is not as daunting as it first appears
You have to have real world data; i
, numbers
You have to have citations in the body of your report
Tables and graphics need a citation immediately following the table or graphic; if you create the table or graphic, then the citation is to the source of the data
You need references at the end of the report
Format Requirements: upload your report in MS Word format (
doc or
docx); if you use another format, ask before uploading to be sure I can open it; double space the paper; have a title page; have a reference page; excluding the title and reference pages, the report should be 3 to 5 pages; and if you use an appendix, that would be in addition to the 3 to 5 pages
You have lots of choice as to your variables for the data exercises
If you want to email me your choices for some initial feedback before you get too far into the process, that will be fine
I’ll be happy to provide specific suggestions and guidance in response to your initial efforts, but I do not make the variable choices for you; that is part of the learning experience
Sources to use: https://www