
International Approaches To Aging Aging Includes The Cognitive, Physical, And Social-Emotional Changes That Occur During

International Approaches To Aging Aging Includes The Cognitive, Physical, And Social-Emotional Changes That Occur During

International Approaches To Aging Aging Includes The Cognitive, Physical, And Social-Emotional Changes That Occur During

INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES TO AGING Aging includes the cognitive, physical, and social-emotional changes that occur during late adulthood
Varying cultures take different approaches to aging
At the same time, individuals within these cultures and societies may have varied and distinctly personal views regarding aging
When addressing aging in late adulthood, one must also address death, dying, and bereavement
Religious and spiritual beliefs, gender, personality, and coping style can all impact an individual’s responses to and beliefs about death (Berk, 2023)
Today, web-based virtual cemeteries are a new way for people to connect and grieve with each other, even when separated by distance
Nonetheless, varying cultures approach aging in many different ways
For this Discussion, you will examine how different countries approach aging
To prepare for this Discussion: Consider how different countries approach aging
As you consider different countries, think about the following: Do older adults live with their children, or are they more likely to live in a nursing home? Are older adults seen as wise individuals to be respected and revered, or are they a burden to their family and to society? Next, select two different countries and compare and contrast their approaches to aging
Post and identify each of the countries you selected
Then, explain two similarities and two differences in how the countries approach aging
Be specific and provide examples
Use your Learning Resources to support your post
Use proper APA format and citations
Resources Berk, L
Development through the lifespan (7th ed
Chapter 17, Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood (pp
568-605) Chapter 18, Emotional and Social Development in Late Adulthood (pp
608-639) North, M
, & Fiske, S
Modern attitudes toward older adults in the aging world: A cross-cultural meta-analysis Links to an external site

Psychological Bulletin, 141(5), 9931021
1037/a0039469 National Institute of Health
National Institute on Aging Links to an external site

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