
Need In 12 Hours Instructions Select A Company For Which You Would Like To Work

Need In 12 Hours Instructions Select A Company For Which You Would Like To Work

Need In 12 Hours Instructions Select A Company For Which You Would Like To Work

NEED IN 12 HOURS Instructions Select a company for which you would like to work and determine the necessary components of an attractive compensation plan
Note: You may use the same company you selected for your assignments in Weeks 3 and 6
Requirements USE GOOGLE  AS COMPANY 4-5 P A G E S Describe (briefly) yourdream job with the selected company
Create a rewards and compensation package for this position that would attract skilled workers and control costs
Create a benefits package for this position that is competitive and advantageous to the company
Speculate on how the negotiating and collective bargaining of this position would contribute to the company’s talent management strategy for retaining high performing employees, including your rationale