
Overview Your Presentation Is Based On The Research You Have Conducted Over The Past Month.

Overview Your Presentation Is Based On The Research You Have Conducted Over The Past Month.

Overview Your Presentation Is Based On The Research You Have Conducted Over The Past Month.

Overview Your presentation is based on the research you have conducted over the past month
Before posting, review section 11
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of your text, focusing on the content under the Discussion subheading
  Main Discussion Post – Due Wednesday by 11:59pm First, create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of seven slides
Introduction(1-2 slides) Summarize the research – Include the research topic/question, purpose, and your hypothesis
Methods (2 slides) Briefly summarize the methods by describing the following: Sample – how many, gender, age range, how you recruited them
Survey – include an overview of what it asked participants to do, at least one sample item, and the type of scale used for the item (e
, 5-point Likert scale (1 = highly unlikely, 5 = very unlikely)
Design & procedure Results (2 slides) What did you find? Describe how your results support or contradict your hypothesis
Note: for the results section, you do not need to include any statistical information
Using everyday language, explain what the main findings were
Discussion – Strengths, Limitations, and Future Research (2 or more slides) Pick two strengths and two weaknesses/limitations of your research
Explain what these are and why these are counted as strengths and weaknesses of your research
When discussing the limitations, be sure to review how they they may have influenced the results and provide potential solutions for future research for each limitation you mention
To get you started, here are strengths and limitations you may have encountered in conducting your research: convenience sampling, sample size, control of or impact of extraneous/confounding variables, participant recruitment, biases, types of survey items used (think about the cognitive model for responding to surveys and BRUSO), mistakes/mishaps/confusion on researchers part or participants’ part
Be mindful that your knowledge and understanding of research methods are being assessed – so make sure the strengths and limitations you identify are informed by what you’ve learned throughout the semester and use the appropriate terminology