
Please Choose One Of The Following Questions To Answer In Your Main Replythen, Thoughtfully Engage With

Please Choose One Of The Following Questions To Answer In Your Main Replythen, Thoughtfully Engage With

Please Choose One Of The Following Questions To Answer In Your Main Replythen, Thoughtfully Engage With

Please choose one of the following questions to answer in your main reply.
Then, thoughtfully engage with one other person’s post.
Follow the directions in the Syllabus regarding content, length, and using quotes.
   –   –   –  –  TEN SENTENCES MAXIMUM! –  –  –  –  –  !!! One quote in your first reply! Answers should be based on the Primary Source readings (the PDF’s provided by Prof.
Covo on the main class page for Week 5).
Quotes should be from those documents, with a page number if possible.
Please indicate which question you are addressing in your reply.
This assignment due date is extended to 11:59 pm on MONDAY, May 4th.
Barricade on the rue Soufflot, an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet.
The Panthéon is shown in the background.
Courtesy Wikipedia.
THIS WEEK: SOMETHING DIFFERENT Please locate an image (artwork, political cartoon, etc.
) from the era between 1848 and 1871 to include with your reply.
In other words, find visual representation of the topic in your answer or an image from the era that represents nationalism related to your answer.
Let’s spice up our text-based answers a bit.
  You should be able to add an attachment in your reply.
If you can’t do that, try to add a link to an image.
(Please post safe links, no explicit or otherwise off topic images or links allowed!) Provide a short caption of the image so we know how it applies.
The caption does not have to be attached to the image, but it can be if you want to do it that way.
Feel free to be creative, or not.
🙂 If you are unable to do this portion of the assignment for technical reasons, please let me know over email.
  QUESTIONS: 1) From Carl Shurz ‘Reminiscences’ Carl Shurz was a young German excited by the revolutionary spirit of 1848.
Describe his desires for Germany, and identify his expressions of nationalism.
What did he participate in to promote German nationalism?
2) From Giuseppe Mazzini, ‘Europe: Its Condition and Prospects’ What is the difference between the princely nationality of aristocracies or royal races and the nationality of the peoples, according to Mazzini?
How is his concept of ‘the social’related to nationalization?
  3)From Sándor Petőfi (1823-1849)The National Song of Hungary, 1848.
The third stanza of the song says: A miserable wretch is he / Who fears to die, my land for thee! / His worthless life who thinks to be / Worth more than thou, sweet liberty! How would you interpret these words?
Is there a connection between this and Robespierre’s essay On the Principles of Government from 1793?