
Printer paper (4 sheets)Masking tape (unlimited)Standard rubber bands (2)Tongue depressor or popsicle sticks (2)Zip ties

Printer paper (4 sheets)Masking tape (unlimited)Standard rubber bands (2)Tongue depressor or popsicle sticks (2)Zip ties

Printer paper (4 sheets)Masking tape (unlimited)Standard rubber bands (2)Tongue depressor or popsicle sticks (2)Zip ties

Printer paper (4 sheets)Masking tape (unlimited)Standard rubber bands (2)Tongue depressor or popsicle sticks (2)Zip ties (6) Your assignment is to build a catapult which can propel a marble the maximum distance.HOWEVER, be careful….. there is also an accuracy condition (and a multiplier…..see below). ADDITIONALLY, your distance (inches) will be divided by the weight (ounces) of the structure to give a final performance number. Please also account for all of the materials that you use. I would like you to also include a procedure for building this just in case I want to build one at some point in the future. You will also be subjected to an additional multiplier based on the consistency of performance (huh??)…..let me explain: You must land the marble in the basket 3 times in order for the distance to count If you land the marble 3 times in 10 tries, the multiplier is 1; 3/20 the multiplier is 0.8, 3/30 is 0.6, 3/40 is 0.4, 3/50 is 0.2, 3/60…..give-up, you are defeatedcatipult.docx