
Q#1: Choose One Of The Following Options For Your Post:  Option #1 – Transhumanism After

Q#1: Choose One Of The Following Options For Your Post:  Option #1 – Transhumanism After

Q#1: Choose One Of The Following Options For Your Post:  Option #1 – Transhumanism After

Q#1: Choose one of the following options for your Post:  Option #1 – Transhumanism After reading this week’s Required Learning Materials, review Bostrom’s ‘Transhumanist FAQs’ and Torresen’s ‘A Review of Future and Ethical Perspectives of Robotics and AI
‘ please do the following: Provide a brief description of transhumanism in your own words
This should be a paraphrase and/or summary of the description in Bostrom
(Please see tips on paraphrasing here
Please see tips on summarizing here
) Choose one of the forms of cutting edge technology from the FAQ (nanotechnology, biological warfare, artificial intelligence, nuclear technology) and find and describe a real-life example of it
Your real-life example should be from a reliable article in a popular technology publication or an article in the UMGC library
Explain why the technology you chose would appeal to transhumanists
   Discuss one ethical issue that could arise from the widespread use of the technology you chose
You can refer back to the Learning Materials from week 3 if needed
    Use two quotes from the Required Learning Materials to support or explain your points
Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format
   Provide references for all sources in MLA format
Examples of popular technology publications that can be used for this question include:  Wired Magazine MIT Technology Review  Tech Briefs GeekTime  ComputerWorld  Innovation & Tech Today  Digit Magazine Trotons Tech Magazine Option #2: Human vs
Machine? After reading this week’s Required Learning Materials, review Barfield’s ‘Cyborgs and Enhancement Technology,’ Rubin’s ‘Robotic Souls,’ and Shanahan’s chapter, ‘Heaven or Hell,’ please do the following:   Identify and describe three specific ways our current understanding of a human being can be called into question, complicated, or changed by technological advances
Be sure to refer to information in the Required Learning Materials for all of your answer
   Explain one argument for why AI may never be able to replicate a human being completely
Be sure to refer to information in the Required Learning Materials
   Based on what you have learned from the readings, determine and explain your answer to the question: ‘Can machines be human?’ What do you think and why?   Use two quotes from the Required Learning Materials to support or explain your points
Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format
   Provide references for all sources in MLA format
  ******PLEASE see attached for articles*****  Q#2:  Last week we explored deflation, which was one of the risks that arose from the Great Recession
This week, we want to focus more directly on the macroeconomic policy responses to the Great Recession
Chapter 15 provides a useful and detailed starting point for the discussion
Because there are many aspects to the macroeconomic response, both in the US and in Europe, build from the information in Chapter 15 and select one or more aspects of the policy responses to explore in more detail
Monetary policy, as well as fiscal policy, responses are appropriate for examination
  Use this as an opportunity to examine an aspect of the US response or the UK’s or European Central Bank’s response to this challenge that is of particular interest to you
****PLEASE see attached for Macroeconomics Chapter 15 for information******Transhumanism