
Read The Following Directions And Post An Answer Of At Least Two Paragraphs 500 Word Minimum 

Read The Following Directions And Post An Answer Of At Least Two Paragraphs 500 Word Minimum 

Read The Following Directions And Post An Answer Of At Least Two Paragraphs 500 Word Minimum 

Read the following directions and post an answer of at least two paragraphs (500 word minimum) .   Be sure to use standard English in your answers, with appropriate punctuation (refer to the grading rubric).  I am looking for evidence that you have read the response as well as what your opinion is on the topic.  Once the deadline for the discussion topic is closed you will no longer have access to this tool.  Assignment: Assignment:  Please read the following article which provides an overview of how the internet has changed the way consumers shop.  Also read this article which shows some of the consequences. Discussion questions: While the internet clearly has armed consumers with the ability to comparison shop and search for lower prices it can also be argued that with lower prices comes lower wages.  Please provide an overview of how you use online shopping and also if you think the trade-off between lower prices and lower wages is worth it?  How should cities and towns deal with dying shopping centers?AdvantagesandDisadvantagesofEcommerce.pdfDyingshoppingmallsarewreakinghavoconsuburbanAmerica-BusinessInsider.pdf