
Requirement What Should Be The Contents Of The Report? The Title Of Your Chapter

Requirement What Should Be The Contents Of The Report? The Title Of Your Chapter

Requirement What Should Be The Contents Of The Report? The Title Of Your Chapter

Requirement: What should be the contents of the report? The title of your chapter The author of your chapter A brief summary of the chapter (about 100-200 words) Describe the main economic concepts employed in the chapter (about 200-300 words) Describe the main public policy issue addressed in the chapter (about 200-300 words) Describe empirical data mentioned in the chapter and how it is employed by the author (about 200-300 words) Explain whether you were persuaded by the argument presented by the author or not persuaded (about 100-200 words)MontgomeryCarle_2011_MegaregionPlanningAnd_RegionalPlanningForAS.pdf