
School Administrators Must Regularly Evaluate The Needs Of Their School And Analyze The Abilities Of

School Administrators Must Regularly Evaluate The Needs Of Their School And Analyze The Abilities Of

School Administrators Must Regularly Evaluate The Needs Of Their School And Analyze The Abilities Of

School administrators must regularly evaluate the needs of their school and analyze the abilities of the faculty and staff in being able to meet those needs
When supporting school leaders it is important to provide them valuable, empowering professional development opportunities that enhance their abilities to provide effective guidance and leadership to others
Create a 10-15 digital slide presentation as professional development for your schools chosen leaders on the coaching cycle, including how to provide appropriate feedback
Address the following within the presentation: Explain the criteria and processes for selecting faculty leaders Explain the coaching cycle and its value within your school
Describe expectations regarding the quality of feedback and how feedback should reflect the schools culture and incorporate respect
Provide two specific examples of implementing the coaching cycle within your school (one with faculty and one with support staff)
Title slide, reference slide, and presenters notes
Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center
An abstract is not required