
School of Undergraduate StudiesSocial, Behavioral, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences  FINAL EXAMINATIONINSTRUCTOR NAME: Phil SmithCOURSE NAME 1402

School of Undergraduate StudiesSocial, Behavioral, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences  FINAL EXAMINATIONINSTRUCTOR NAME: Phil SmithCOURSE NAME 1402

School of Undergraduate StudiesSocial, Behavioral, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences  FINAL EXAMINATIONINSTRUCTOR NAME: Phil SmithCOURSE NAME 1402

School of Undergraduate StudiesSocial, Behavioral, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences  FINAL EXAMINATIONINSTRUCTOR NAME: Phil SmithCOURSE NAME 1402 Biology 103SECTION NUMBER 6382DUE DATE 10 p.m. (eastern U.S.) 09 March 2014SUBMIT YOUR ANSWER SHEET to your Assignment Folder under Final Exam on or before 10 p.m. (eastern U.S.) on 09 March 2014  IMPORTANT: STUDENT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS DIRECTLY ON THE EXAM AND SAVE THE FILE FOR SUBMISSION TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT FOLDER.  FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.  GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: This final examination is worth 100 points and accounts for 24% of your overall grade. There are 4 sections: Multiple choice (40 points), fill-in-the-blank (10 points), short answer (20 points), and essay (30 points). Read all instructions carefully. *Do not leave any required questions blank.  Make your best guesses.* **Enter your answers here and save the file using your last name in the file name. Submit the completed exam to your Assignment Folder before or on the 9th of March 2014, 10 p.m. eastern time.****  MULTIPLECHOICE SECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Read all instructions carefully. Please answer all questions. Each question is worth 2 points. The entire Multiple Choice section is worth 40 points. **highlight or underline your answers to multiple choice questions on here.** Type your answers for essay and short answer questions into this file also.   1) In the scientific method, a hypothesis .A) is a statement of fact B) is a proposed explanation based on observations C) is usually proven to be correct D) can only be tested once E) all of the above  2) What is the correct sequence of steps in the scientific method?I.              State the problemII.            Analyze and interpret the dataIII.           Develop a hypothesisIV.          Share the results with other scientistsV.            Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis A) I>II > III > IV > V B) III > I > V > II > IV C) V> IV > III > II > I D) I> III > V >II > IV E) V > II > I > III > IV3) You examine a cell under a microscope and you see a well defined nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.  You conclude that the cell must be a cell. A) Eukaryotic, animal B) Prokaryotic, plant C) Eukaryotic, Plant D) Prokaryotic, animal  4) The form of RNA that is complementary to DNA and carries information from the DNA to the site where protein is synthesized as directed by the genetic code/the location where such protein synthesis occurs. A) messenger RNA/nucleusB) transfer RNA/cytosolC) messenger RNA/cytosolD) ribosomal RNA/nucleusE) messenger RNA/nucleus 5) You have formulated a hypothesis that light is necessary for seed germination. To test your hypothesis, one set of lettuce seeds is placed in light with warm temperatures and adequate moisture.  Another set of identical seeds is placed in the dark under the same set of conditions.  The control in the experiment isA) seeds in the darkB) seeds in the lightC) warm temperatureD) adequate moistureE) germination rate    6) The following reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme:   2H2O2              2H2O + O2Identify the correct substrate/enzyme combination when this reaction is catalyzed in a yeast cell: A) catalase/hydrogen peroxide B) hydrogen peroxide/yeast C) hydrogen peroxide/catalase  D) oxygen/catalase E) water/yeast 7)  If the amounts of bases in a DNA molecule are measured, you would find thatA) A = C and G = T B) A = G and C = T C) T = A and C = G D) A = U and C = G E) U= C and A = G  8) Which statement best describes the relationship between plants and animals on earth? A) plants produce O2 and sugars from CO2B) animals produce CO2 and H2O from sugars and O2C) plants produce O2 and sugars and animals produce CO2 and H2OD) animals produce O2 and sugars and plants produce CO2 and H2O     9) A substance dissolved in water with a pH equal to 7 is , while a substance dissolved in water with a pH greater than 7 is . A) neutral, basic B) acidic, basic C) basic, acidic D) neutral, acidic  10.       The carbon source for organisms that perform photosynthesis is . A) carbohydrate  B) carbon dioxide C) methane D) glucose    Use the following information to answer questions 11&12 below.A group of medical researchers recently investigated the effects of Drug X on lowering blood pressure in a group of hypertensive middle-aged women. The researchers did the following experiment and obtained the indicated results:  One group of 150 women took a tablet containing Drug X for 3 weeks95 of these women decreased their blood pressure by at least 10% (three women from this group dropped out of the study).  Another group of  150 women was given a tablet with no added Drug X for 3 weeks10 of these women decreased their blood pressure by at least 10% (two women from this group dropped out of the study). 1 1) Which of the following was the control group in this experiment?A) The group of participants that received tablets containing Drug X B) The group of participants that received tablets that did not contain Drug X C) The number of participants in each group at the beginning of the experiment D) The number of participants in each group at the end of the experiment E) The amount of Drug X contained in the tablet  12) Which of the following is the most reasonable and accurate conclusion based on the results obtained in this experiment?A) Drug X is good for hypertensive women B) Drug X is good for both men and women C) Hypertensive women receiving Drug X for 3 weeks may show a decrease in blood pressure D) Hypertensive women receiving Drug X for 3 weeks may show an increase in blood pressure E) Drug X has no effect on blood pressure  13) All proteins found in living things are made of . A) Simple sugars B) Fatty acids C) Amino acids D) Nucleotides  14) All of the following are features of eukaryotic cells EXCEPT . A) Has membrane-bound organelles B) Has a circular chromosome C) Has DNA as genetic material D) Has a membrane-bound nucleus  15) All of the offspring (over 1,000 offspring) from two parent plants have the example genotype Aa for a hypothetical gene.  For this gene the parents can be symbolized as: A) AA x aa B) Aa x Aa C) Aa x aa D) AA x Aa  16) In a deciduous oak forest of the American northeast, one example of an abiotic component of the ecosystem would be . A) Worms in the soil that feed on plant roots B) Worms in the soil that feed on dead organic matter C) Sunlight that filters through the canopy D) Plants and animals in a specific area  17) If a bird eats an insect that ate a plant, the bird would be considered a(n) A) Autotroph B) Primary producer C) Primary consumer D) Secondary consumer E) Tertiary consumer   18) Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different mass numbers are called . A) Nuclei B) Proteins C) Isotopes D) Radioactive  19) The smallest unit of life is the. A) Cell B) Organelle C) Macromolecule D) Atom  20. The energy required for photosynthesis is provided by: A) Proteins B) Chemosynthesis C) Sunlight D) Chlorophyll E) Carbohydrates ************************************************************************************************************    FILL IN THE BLANK SECTIONINSTRUCTIONS: Provide the best answer for the items below. Each item is worth 1 point. This entire section is worth 10 points. Please answer all questions in this section.   1) You find a cell of a type you have never seen before.  The cell has both a nucleus and a cell wall.  Therefore, you conclude, it must be a cell.     2) Label C in the diagram points to a(n) . 3)  A parent cell has 8 chromosomes. The cell undergoes mitosis and each daughter cell will have   chromosomes. 4)  A dog gets many nutrients from its food including amino acids. What macromolecule can be builtdirectly from amino acids .? 5)  Transcription is to an mRNA molecule as translation is to .  6)  The observation of numerous species of finches in the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin, each with unique beak shape that provided advantages for different food sources helped him to later formulate the theory of .  7)  One of the strongest chemical bonds is formed when atoms share outer-shell electrons.  This type of chemical bond is called a bond. 8) is a term that describes an organism€™s ability to maintain a stable internal environment. 9)Carbon has  neutrons and electrons 10.  Amylase is an enzyme that allows the human body to digest starch.  Select the diagram on the next page that best represents the structure of the substrate that amylase acts on and enter the correct number (either 1, 2, 3, or 4) for that diagram here. SHORT ANSWER SECTION  Complete all 4 questions in this Short Answer Section  INSTRUCTIONS: Each question is worth 5 points.  There are 20 total points for this section.  You should be able to answer each of these question using several brief descriptive sentences.  Use as much space below as you need.   1) Suppose someone presented data from their research that showed the DNA of a newly discovered species was composed of: 30% adenine, 30% guanine, 20% thymine, and 20% cytosine.  Based on what you know about DNA structure, explain why these data do not make sense. 2) A population of grasshoppers in the Kansas prairie has two color phenotypes, green and brown. Typically, the prairie receives adequate water to maintain healthy, green grass. Assume a bird that eats grasshoppers moves into the prairie. How will this affect natural selection of the grasshoppers? How might this change in a drought year? 3) DNA and RNA are similar yet distinct components of the cell. Describe three differences between RNA and DNA with respect to their chemical composition and structure. Provide a detailed description of each characteristic you chose in your response. 4) When a rabbit eats the lettuce in your garden, all of the energy in the lettuce is used by the rabbit. Is this statement true or false? Defend your answer.           ESSAY SECTION Complete 3 out of 5 questions in this Essay Section REQUIRED QUESTION: #2 must be answered. ALTERNATE QUESTIONS: from #1, #3, #4, and #5, (select 2 of these questions to answer). INSTRUCTIONS: Each question is worth 10 points.  There are 30 total points possible for this section.  These questions require thoughtful, complete answers and each may require several paragraphs for you to fully explain your answer.  QUESTIONS  1) Explain the process of cell division in animals. Include a description of interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis.2) (required) List the four €œlarge molecules of life.€ Identify their composition and structure, and describe one function they perform in the cell.3) How can you explain the occurrence of birth defects (caused by altered genes) in children and grandchildren of WWII atomic bomb victims, when the victims themselves were only mildly affected? 4) During the past 50 years, more than 200 species of insects that attack crop plants have become highly resistant to DDT and other pesticides. Based on what you have learned in this class regarding evolution, explain the rapid and widespread evolution of resistance. Now that DDT has been banned in the US, what do you expect to happen to levels of resistance to DDT among insect populations? 5) Water is crucial for life as we know it. One of the most important characteristics of water is its ability to act as a solvent. Explain why water is such a good solvent for polar and charged molecules.       You have completed the exam.  Congratulations on  Completing Biology 103