
The Ceo Has Now Asked You To Develop An Official Piece Of Communication To Distribute

The Ceo Has Now Asked You To Develop An Official Piece Of Communication To Distribute

The Ceo Has Now Asked You To Develop An Official Piece Of Communication To Distribute

The CEO has now asked you to develop an official piece of communication to distribute to employees about the implementation of a company-wide ethical framework
Strategize how you will include all employees at all levels in the development of the solution
You will need to address how employees in IT and in the company will be part of the solution
You will need to discuss the type of guidance that will be given to employees, how they will communicate with you and your team, how revisions will be done, what, if any, auditing tools could be used and any other areas that you think might be relevant
Finally, the CEO would like a very high level deployment and integration timeline for implementation of the new policy and code of ethics
At this stage, it can be some implementation steps and an estimated timeline
The finished product should be a comprehensive memo, including references, directed to the board of directors and CEO
Be sure to review the content on the Course Project Overview page to gather all necessary information