
The Company Is Apple Inc. K-10 Is Attached Acct-221 10-K Project Instructions Overview As An

The Company Is Apple Inc. K-10 Is Attached Acct-221 10-K Project Instructions Overview As An

The Company Is Apple Inc. K-10 Is Attached Acct-221 10-K Project Instructions Overview As An

K-10 IS ATTACHED ACCT-221 10-K Project Instructions Overview As an analyst for a large U
multinational corporation, you are assigned to examine a possible acquisition candidate, completing an initial search and review
Your supervisor is a member of the Controller’s team
The Controller reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Your work may be presented to various audiences, so professionalism is essential in all deliverables you create
As you review historical financial statements, you cannot conclude if this company is a good investment
Select a publicly traded company
The company must have Accounts Receivable and Inventory
You must select a retail or manufacturing company
By visiting and searching the SEC EDGAR system, you must research and secure the SEC 10-K Annual Report for the most recent year
Save the 10-K document to your computer for access
Please do not print this file, as the report is usually 100 pages or more
Use the selected company in the discussion postings throughout the semester
The discussion questions are designed to help you build your report and presentation content
Reading an SEC 10-K Report: The following link will access the SEC’s document: How to Read an SEC 10-K Report
htm  Course Learning Objective Assessed: Identify and communicate with accounting and financial information users to facilitate analytical decision-making
Report Requirements Report Content  Post the name of your desired company in the Week 1 SEC 10-K Project discussion for your instructor’s approval
Your post must answer all parts of the discussion
Each student must select a different company, so read the company names chosen by classmates
The company must be a publicly-traded company
Your report should comment on the financial statements for your company as they relate to the information presented through Week 5 material for this class, including the notes to the financial statements
Do not consider the material from Weeks 7 and 8 in your report
The report must be submitted after Week 5 material
Report Layout Write a minimum of a 3-page (a full-page typically has at least 300 words) report, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, with a double space between paragraphs
This page requirement includes data visualization (charts and graphs) that you create, but the report should be primarily your written analysis
Page count does not include a title page, tables, exhibits, or reference list
Include a title page (include your name on the title page)
The report must consist of headings such as Accounts Receivable and Inventory (topics from the textbook); other examples would be Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Shareholders’ Equity
Include a brief introduction of your company and a conclusion/summary at the end
Most of your report should include accounting topics in weeks one through five
Your report must cover the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, and Critical Audit Matters
You are to compare current and prior year statements and what changed
Do not cut and paste anything into the body of your report
You can copy the financial statements directly from the SEC 10-K Report into a report appendix but not the report’s body
The statements are not included in the page count
APA style is required for citations and a reference list
The report must include the reference list
Resources Visit the Accounting Toolbox in the Course Content of the ACCT 221 LEO classroom
The Accounting Toolbox is a constant resource in our UMGC undergraduate accounting courses
This resource must include links and explanations to assist you with this report
Your professor will provide additional guidance
  Academic Integrity You must comply with the UMGC Policy for Academic Integrity
Write your report using accounting terms from our textbook and explain how these terms relate to your company’s financial statements
Thoroughly paraphrase in your own words and your writing style and structure
Changing a few words from the original is not fully paraphrasing
The discussion postings throughout the semester should assist you in completing this report
However, do not copy and paste your discussion responses into your report
PowerPoint Presentation You must prepare a PowerPoint draft and post it to Peer-Review of SEC 10-K Project discussion
Include data and an analysis of the data with your commentary
Tell the story as you learn from reading the financial statements
Do not copy the financial statements into your presentation
The slides should consist of your own analysis only
Including some key financial ratios, you calculate would be a good addition to your presentation (and your report)
Do not use the notes feature