
The database for the analysis is from a national survey of 1,924 line-level jail staff,

The database for the analysis is from a national survey of 1,924 line-level jail staff,

The database for the analysis is from a national survey of 1,924 line-level jail staff,

The database for the analysis is from a national survey of 1,924 line-level jail staff, which was conducted through a collaborative endeavor between the Center for Innovative Public Policy and the American Jail Association, with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (U.S. Department of Justice). Although not randomly generated, respondents represent 46 states and are generally reflective of what is known about the composition of the national line officer jail workforce in terms of demographics. We are going to use the database of line-level jail employees to assess the impact of both work-related variables and personal characteristics on the intention of employees to resign.   The dependent variable is commitment to the current agency (jail). Respondents indicated:  1) They are not committed to working at their current jail; or 2) They are committed to working at their current jail.Choose 3 of these 9 independent variables (with a response of No or Yes) to use in your hypotheses:  Being paid what my skills, education and experience are worthBeing proud to work hereEnjoying a positive work climate on the jobHaving a say in how things are done hereHaving input into decisions that affect meKnowing that management listens to my opinionsFeeling appreciated by my supervisorBeing respected by those above me in the chain of commandHaving opportunities for promotion The two control variables are gender and education level.  Choose one of the control variables to use in your hypotheses.Develop a hypothesis for each of the three independent variables and the one control variable (i.e., Jail staff who work in a positive work climate are more likely to be committed to their current agency than are those who do not work in a positive work climate, while controlling for gender).