
The Presentation Should Be Appropriate For An Executive Debriefing, Introducing The Concept Of Project Value

The Presentation Should Be Appropriate For An Executive Debriefing, Introducing The Concept Of Project Value

The Presentation Should Be Appropriate For An Executive Debriefing, Introducing The Concept Of Project Value

The presentation should be appropriate for an executive debriefing, introducing the concept of Project Value Delivery Strategy  Planning to the audience
  Assume Project Value Delivery is a new concept for the people you are presenting to
  You only have 12-15 minutes on the agenda and have been advised not to exceed this limit
(brevity is desirable, but not at the expense of content and requirements fulfillment) Please limit the number of presentation slides to no more than 15  (i
, Title, overview (abstract), presentation (body), summary (conclusion)
 Include a slide at the end listing your references
  Consider using the following three parts of a presentation format:  ‘Tell the audience what youre going to say, say it; then tell them what youve said
‘ Assume your audience can read
, speak ‘to the slide, not read from the slide’