
the requiremntsIntroduction/background (1 page)Should outline the problem or task. You should clearly state what the

the requiremntsIntroduction/background (1 page)Should outline the problem or task. You should clearly state what the

the requiremntsIntroduction/background (1 page)Should outline the problem or task. You should clearly state what the

the requiremntsIntroduction/background (1 page)Should outline the problem or task. You should clearly state what the objective of the experiment and what your hypothesis was.the objective:The objective of this project is to investigate the relationship between the force generated by a muscle and the muscle’s surface electromyogram (or EMG).for the hypothesis :there’s 4 total or 4 things we’re addressing so I’d say something along the lines of EMG increases as force increases, EMG varies with force but is not a consistent and reliable estimate of force, and trained muscle is not more efficient than untrained muscleproject1emg 1)pdf