
Visit The U.S. Small Business Administration’S Website, Http://Www.Sba.Gov  To Review Resources Provided There. Write A

Visit The U.S. Small Business Administration’S Website, Http://Www.Sba.Gov  To Review Resources Provided There. Write A

Visit The U.S. Small Business Administration’S Website, Http://Www.Sba.Gov  To Review Resources Provided There. Write A

Visit the U
Small Business Administration’s website, http://www
gov  to review resources provided there
Write a summary of this website
Tell what information on this website that you think would be most helpful to a person starting his/her own business

Type your response in a word processing document first so that you can spell-check it and then copy to the link for the assignment
Use good sentence structures and remember that spelling and grammar count! Be sure to proof your work
  This assignment needs to be at least 500 words to cover the material