
Watch On-Line A New Age Tradition (Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology) Service And Submit The Designated

Watch On-Line A New Age Tradition (Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology) Service And Submit The Designated

Watch On-Line A New Age Tradition (Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology) Service And Submit The Designated

Watch on-line a New Age Tradition (Mormonism, Jehovahs Witness, Scientology) Service and submit the designated paper by the end of week 7
Paper instructions for each designated religious service (use the template imbedded in each lesson activity):  Write a 3-page (or more, if needed) paper about your visit Give attention to page length and include the following sections:  First paragraph includes place and date of service
One full page: Detail the narrative of your visit
, I arrived€¦then I€¦) One half page: Detail all the aesthetics and symbols in the service One half page: Articulate the contents of the message One full page: Evaluate if the practices and teachings are consistent with Christian theology
Utilize Morgan to navigate a comparison with Christian theology, at least addressing the doctrine of God, Scripture, and Salvation
Paper must be double-spaced (or 24pts), Times New Roman font, 12 pt
font, 1 margins, and includeprimary headers for your structure
See and use template embedded in each lesson activity