
Write A Final Paper About Your Strengths. This Paper Will Allow You To Examine Your

Write A Final Paper About Your Strengths. This Paper Will Allow You To Examine Your

Write A Final Paper About Your Strengths. This Paper Will Allow You To Examine Your

write a final paper about your strengths
This paper will allow you to examine your strengths and develop a plan for moving forward
Please use the guide below as your framework and ensure all areas are addressed
What Do You Do Best? · Of all the things you do well, which two do you do best and why? · Which activities do you seem to pick up quickly and why? · Which activities bring you the greatest satisfaction and why? II
STRENGTHSFINDER Results · What are your top five Signature Themes as identified by the Clifton STRENGTHSFINDER? Which theme resonates with you the most and why? · Based on your Signature Themes, what should a manager/supervisor know about working with you and why? · Based on your Signature Themes, what should a co-worker know about working with you and why? · How can a manager/supervisor help you with your strengths more within your current role and why? III
Celebrating Successes · What was your most significant accomplishment in the past 12 months? · When do you feel the most pride about your work? ·  How do you like to be supported in your work? IV
Applying Talents to the Role · What things distract you from being positive, productive, or accurate?  · Which talents do you have that could benefit the team if you had better opportunities to use them?  · What steps could be taken to ensure you have an opportunity to apply your natural talents to your role?  · Submit a 5-page paper double spaced · Include a cover page and a reference page (not to be included in the 5 pages of paper content) · Use the questions and bullets above as the framework and outline of your paper
· Please provide at least four (4) relevant scholarly references to support your paper in addition to the STRENGTHSFINDER text
· All references should be used as in-text citations
  · All work must be completed in APA format
  · You MUST submit your paper to the Smarthinking tool for review prior to submission